Did you forget to move the Elf? 5 reasons Elf doesn’t move

Did you forget to move the Elf? 5 reasons Elf doesn’t move

Uh-oh! Elf forgot to move!

Mummy had too many jobs to do last night and ended up falling asleep on the sofa. She was sure the Christmas Elf had moved, ready to get up to some mischief. But when morning comes, Elf is still stuck in the same position as he was in the night before. How do you explain to little ones that Elf forgot to move?

We’ve come up with 5 simple reasons why your Christmas Elf might not have moved in the night, so you can keep the magic alive this December!

5 reasons why Elf forgot to move

1) Your Elf is frozen

Oh no – it looks like it was a bit too chilly for Elf last night and he’s been frozen! You would think the Elf would be used to the cold weather by now, with all that time spent in the North Pole, but it seems even Elf isn’t immune to those icy temperatures.

The only way to get him back to normal is to wrap him up in lots of blankets. Maybe give your Elf a hat and scarf, too! Luckily, he should be thawed out by tonight, ready to cause chaos again.


2) Elf has you fooled

Perhaps Elf has been double bluffing and went straight back to the same spot, so you wouldn’t be able to find him. No one would think to look for Elf exactly where he was last night! Elf has us totally fooled with this common, mischievous trick.


3) The weather is too bad

Up at the North Pole, there’s a blustering storm brewing. Even Elf can’t magically transport all the way through those icy winds and snowy gales. Santa has given Elf the night off, so Elf didn’t need to risk travelling through the bad weather. Santa certainly looks out for his Elves!


4) Your Elf is asleep

This naughty little Elf has been up to so much mischief lately that he didn’t go back to the North Pole last night. He ended up falling asleep right where you left him! Poor Elf. Maybe we should tuck him into bed and let him nap, so he can fully recharge. 


5) Elf heard too much noise last night

Elf gets scared when he hears too much noise. He doesn’t want to be spotted. But last night, he was sure he heard lots of whispering – was there some bickering over who had the last biscuit? And then the toilet was flushed, then maybe your pooch barked once or twice. So, to avoid being seen, Elf stayed put. You’ll need to be much quieter tonight, if you want Elf to be able to get on with his work!



Make it a magical Christmas this December with our festive Elf Toy. We have a wonderful choice of a friendly Boy or Girl Elf who are the perfect companions for your little ones. And if one night, they forget to get up to mischief or don’t quite make it to the North Pole, don’t worry! Just check back here and find a simple reason why Elf doesn’t move.

For more elf ideas for mischief, check out our gallery!

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