Christmas Elf Blog

Choose your magical Elf name with the Elf Name Generator
There's still time to work out your magical Elf name before December begins. Find out if you're a Candy McFluff or a Sparky Gumdrop with our Elf Name Generator.
What's your Elf name?

What’s your Elf name? Are you a Betsy Bubblebuns or an Eddie Fizzybottom? Try Elf for Christmas’s amazing Elf name generator now to reveal your true Elf identity.

Girl Elf Name Generator
Christmas Girl Elf Toy

Are you a Jemima Jollybum or a Molly Glitterpants? Find out your girl elf name with our fun Christmas Girl Elf Name Generator.

Christmas Elf Name Generator

Elf_for_christmas_elf_name_generatorStruggling to pick a Christmassy name for your new Elf friend? Our Christmas Elf Name Generator can help - all names are based on actual real-life North Pole elves.